Top Newsletters to Subscribe to When Living in Leuven

Whether you're a newcomer or a long-time resident, staying informed about local events, news, and resources enhances your experience of the city and keeps you up to date with the latest happenings. One effective way to do this is by subscribing to newsletters catering to Leuven resident's specific needs and interests. In this blog, we'll introduce you to the top newsletters you should consider subscribing to in order to make the most of your time in Leuven!

International House Leuven
15 February 2024

Newsletters in English


VRT NWS is the news service of the Flemish Radio and Television Broadcasting Organisation. Their daily newsletter provides insights into Belgian perspectives on global events, politics, and culture, helping you better understand the country you now call home.

The Bulletin

The Bulletin is an English-language media platform for the international community that originally started with a short print newsletter almost 60 years ago. Today, it features daily and weekly newsletters including (mostly Brussels-centered) local news and events combined with handy ‘how to’ guides, advertorials and paid-for content. It is a good resource for international residents who are not (yet) proficient in Dutch or French.

The Brussels Times

The Brussels Times is a renowned newspaper for news and analysis on topics such as politics, EU Affairs, business, world, national news, and more. Its weekly newsletter offers an English-language perspective on important topics, helping international residents feel more connected.

Leuven MindGate

International professionals and job seekers in Leuven will do well by subscribing to the Leuven Mindgate newsletter (in Dutch and English) that is sent out once or twice a month. It offers valuable career opportunities, provides insights into the local business ecosystem and innovation trends, and facilitates professional networking within Leuven's business community.

Toerisme Vlaams-Brabant

Leuven is nestled within the province named Vlaams-Brabant, which boasts picturesque towns, historical sites, and natural beauty. The monthly newsletters of Toerisme Vlaams-Brabant gives you recommendations on what to discover and how to explore the region in your spare time.

International House Leuven

Last but certainly not least, subscribing to the newsletters of International House Leuven can be immensely beneficial for international residents and expats living in Leuven. Our monthly newsletter regularly features information about upcoming events, fun facts, and recommendations specifically gathered for the international community.

Newsletters in Dutch

While the below newsletters are in Dutch, they offer valuable insights. For our international readers that do not master the Dutch language, using a free translation tool can help bridge the language barrier and unlock a wealth of useful information.

Stad Leuven

The municipality's newsletter keeps you informed on essential news within the city, municipal services, and important announcements. Subscribing to their monthly newsletter is a good idea if you would like to stay well-informed on these topics.

Stad Leuven - Kids

If you are an international in Leuven with children, subscribing to the city's newsletter for parents gives you information on family-friendly events, activities, and resources tailored specifically to kids. They send out their newsletter once or twice a month.

UiT in Leuven

UiT in Leuven promotes cultural events and activities in Leuven. By subscribing to their monthly newsletter, you are ensured of always being in the loop about concerts, exhibitions, theatre performances, and other cultural events happening in the city. It's an excellent way to explore and embrace the cultural scene in Leuven.

Het Depot

Het Depot is not just a music venue but a cultural hub in Leuven. Their newsletter gets sent out twice a week and keeps you updated on the latest concerts, events, and cultural happenings in the venue. Get access to pre-sale tickets and artist insights, ensuring you never miss out on Leuven's vibrant arts scene.

Natuurpunt Leuven

Nature enthusiasts in Leuven will find subscribing to the monthly Natuurpunt Leuven newsletter invaluable. It provides regular updates on local wildlife conservation efforts, nature walks, and opportunities for community engagement. Stay connected to the beautiful natural surroundings of Leuven and contribute to its preservation.

Social Deal

Social Deal is your ticket to discovering Leuven's best local deals and experiences. By subscribing to their newsletter, you'll receive daily or weekly offers on dining, activities, and more, all at discounted prices. Whether you're looking for something to do in Leuven or another Belgian city, this newsletter will help you explore Belgium affordably and with style.

Subscribing to these newsletters will help you immerse yourself in the Leuven community, whether you're seeking cultural experiences, professional networking, family-friendly activities, or simply staying informed about local news. Make the most of your time in Leuven by staying informed through these valuable sources of information! Of course, you are more than welcome to contact International House Leuven or come by if you have any other questions related to living in Leuven.

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This page was last updated on: 14 March 2024