Practising Dutch in Leuven

Below you can find information about the opportunities that exist in the Leuven region to practice your Dutch language in daily life. In addition, a lot of online tools also exist, so even if you are still in the phase of planning your move to Leuven, you can already start practicing Dutch.

International House Leuven
15 December 2023

Practicing in Leuven & Flemish-Brabant

  • Search for practicing Dutch initiatives in your neighborhood. In Leuven, there are several conversation groups, pronunciation groups etc.:
  • Try to speak Dutch as much as possible in your daily life (in shops, restaurants, at work…) and ask people to speak Dutch with you.
  • Search for activities in which you can practice your Dutch. The website ‘Nederlands oefenen in Vlaams-Brabant’ is a good starting point to get an overview of the different kinds of activities, both online and offline, you can undertake in the province of Flemish Brabant to practice your Dutch. Or scroll down for more !

Pas op! Watch out!

Some online websites or tools are developed in the Netherlands. It might be that the pronunciation is somewhat different than what you hear in Flanders. Some expressions and words are also less frequently used, or have a slightly different meaning in Flanders than in the Netherlands and vice versa.

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This page was last updated on: 14 March 2024